Diploma Intention: Learn Noongar

I just signed up for a Noongar language and culture course offered by EDX beginning May 14. This is part of my Australis design thread. Several weeks ago I read an article about how to show solidarity and support for North American First Nations people and learning the local language was one of the suggestions. As a migrant who has lived in Helsinki, Sheffield, Berlin and Linz as well as my hometown of Adelaide I realised that although I have attempted to learn at least the basics in local lanuagues when I travel and officially migrated I never did the same in Australia. In Adelaide there are still Kaurna people actively using their language yet it was not a language formally offered in school or elsewhere. Why did I continue to learn French after high school but not a language in daily use where I lived?

As the intention to move to Margaret River and “Going Home” has crystallised, knowing country has become more and more important in multiple ways. While I can’t yet plant my first trees on my land or lay out a strawbale house I can start the process from afar by learning Noongar, the local indigenous language.  In the South West, many place names follow the pattern of __________up, Noongar for “place of the ________”, so I already hold words like Cowara (purple crowned lorikeet) from the town name Cowaramup.

I am interested in the phenomenological calendar of the South-West and developing the ability to recognise season through the changing behaviour or animals. Knowing the names of things is important and there is knowledge to be gained by following up stories from scientific, European and Noongar ways of knowing.

I am also reminded of my Dad and the Pitjantjatjara cassette tapes he owned. Mum said that he bought them the day after his brother George died. While Dad was connected with the Pitjantjatjara people and country through his visits north he never did learn the language and in the end the tapes just held mixes of pop songs recorded from Triple J. Maybe I can do a little better?

Signs of Life (Instagram)

I love fermenting kim chi. I love gathering the vegetables, sharpening the knife to slice them and the mindfulness of massaging the mix until the liquids release. I love singing along with @formidableveg as I stuff the veggies into a jar. I love eating the kimchi at the end, but most of all I love it when the fermentation kicks off and spicy juice starts bubbling over. This is this moment when the magic and wildness is known, the yes moment of life being and culture doing. It is akin to seeing that yes your seeds have sprouted or learning that a loved one is becoming a parent. I love this moment as it reminds me that I’m in this life together with tiny microbes and in solidarity with generations of other fermenters around the world. Revolution is here in my kitchen! #fermentrevolution #fermentation #permacultureathome #kimchi #baerlauch #diwo #permaculturewomen #foodporn #handflavour via Instagram https://ift.tt/2JdtupS

Signs of Life (Instagram)

I’ve been contributing to the #permaculturewomen online permaculture design course for about six months now. It’s been a long process of sketching module ideas, drafting texts, filming and editing, followed by error checking, image sourcing, proofreading and quality control content updates. My video making learning curve has been steep and the tripods repurposed from found objects.
I love that we have been doing it with others #diwo with broader support from our local communities. This PDC is excellent but imperfect, a beautiful whole of diverse parts. Most importantly we are finally launched and live!
Sign up at: https://ift.tt/2EbBoMX

#onlinepermaculture #permacultureinpractice #mooreriverwa #regenerativedesign #riparianzone #permacultureteaching #permacultureeurope #permacultureaustralia via Instagram https://ift.tt/2GPAwDb

Signs of Life (Instagram)

After much pondering and a bit of support and encouragement from my mum I made a once in a lifetime investment in a grain mill with combined flaker for porridge and muesli. This thing is a heavy beast but rather beautifully made. I am expecting a steep learning curve as I get deeper into baking and generally grinding and squashing seeds, beans and stuff. via Instagram https://ift.tt/2uDZ6SC

Signs of Life (Instagram)

The snow came back today but yesterday some lovely friends and I went gathering the first bärlauch of the season. Tonight I’m making bärlauch semmelknödel (wild garlic bread dumplings) with this harvest! My harvest /produce bag was remade out of a weird thrifted net tshirt with recycled cord from a giftbag.
#obtainayield #eattheforest #producenowaste #zerowaste #permaculturewomen via Instagram http://ift.tt/2tYJbOm

Signs of Life (Instagram)

I suffer from huge waves of self doubt and depression which result in total lethargy and inertia. I blame my hormones, living in an apartment, streaming tv services, the patriarchy and capitalism too. I know that doing yoga, eating breakfast, saying affirmations and going outside to talk to people and being in nature helps, but you know INERTIA MAKES ALL THE THINGS HARDER and the self doubt helps me tell myself that those things suck or are lame or won’t work out anyway. Which is f&£%*d. Still I am proud to say that these yoga mats and bolsters were put into use today and I yelled and fell over and cried about how sad I feel but hey at least I did yoga imperfectly and appreciated the ritual of putting mats and bolsters away. Also I did laundry and changed the sheets but still have all the work. #dayoneofyogaagain #newmoon via Instagram http://ift.tt/2HGXwRz

Signs of Life (Instagram)

I’m not sure if Seagull the Cat got the memo about doing computer dismantling in a clean environment. I managed to get the battery out and tighten the blasted wireless card and rescrew it back together without him noticing the bowls of tiny screws. Bonus, my laptop properly starts again now!
#repairmanifesto #girlswithpowertools #girlswithtinyscrewdrivers #girlgeek #lenovoyoga3pro #broadcomwirelesscardssuck via Instagram http://ift.tt/2FXNmyI